Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Professional Journals on Writing 24

In what ways can teachers respond to student writing? 7 methods of responding to student writing: correcting, emoting, describing, questioning, reminding, suggesting, assigning [another paper based on what the student has written]. EO Lees. College Composition and Communication (Dec. 79), 370-374. Use questions in responding to students’ papers. L Odell, 1976. College Composition and Communication (May 77), 189. Give student writers positive encouragement in what they are doing well. EF Haynes in RL Larson. College Composition and Communication (May 79), 203.

How prepare students for peer review? Teachers need to model how to respond to students’ writing in order for their students to respond effectively to other students’ writing. R VanDeWeghe. English Journal (Sept. 04), 95-99.

How can the teacher become a real audience for student writers? The teacher emphasizes that he is a “dumb reader.” Make your writing so clear that even a dumb reader like me will understand it. W Gibson. College Composition and Communication (May 79), 192-195.

What are student assumptions about writing? …since very few of our students understand how writers behave, they may initially resent the assignment to write multiple drafts because they believe that good writers get things right the first time. EP Maimon. College Composition and Communication (Dec. 79), 367.

What are the characteristics of good writers? “The ability to reflect on what is being written seems to be the essence of the difference between able and not-so-able writers, from their initial writing experience onward.” [Teach students the habit of reflecting on their writing.] S Pianko. College Composition and Communication (Oct. 79), 277.

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