Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Topic: Why Do I Write?

10-second review: The author comes up with her/his top ten reasons for writing. I’ve selected a few to reprint.

Title: “10 Immediate Benefits of Writing.” Guylane Spencer. The Writer (June 2009), 11-12.

The author’s reasons for writing:

. “When I research subjects that interest me, I enjoy learning about the topic.”

. “Writing sharpens my mind even more that reading does, because it’s more active; it’s exercise for the brain.”

. “I still get a small buzz when I see my story in print.”

. “I enjoy hearing someone tell me that they liked my article…that it made them think….”

. “Writing improves the quality of my life.”

. “Writing adds an element of surprise to my life. Who knows what will happen when I send my work out into the world?”

Comment: The satisfactions that come from writing. RayS.

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