Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Professional Journals on Writing 08

Do students understand teachers’ comments on their writing? Knoblauch and Barnnon: “The depressing trouble is, we have scarcely a shred of empirical evidence to show that students typically even comprehend our responses to their writing, let alone use them purposefully to modify their practice.” RS sprinkle. Teaching English in the Two-Year College(Mar. 04), 273.

How make sure that students understand teachers’ comments on their writing? Ask students as part of turning in the revised paper how helpful your comments on their writing were. A. Edgington. Teaching English in the Two-Year College (Mar. 04), 287.

How do parents feel about teaching the basics in writing? In an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Monday, May 24, 2004, p. B2, Nick O’Dell says, “I knew we were in trouble some years ago when my 10th-grade son brought home an essay for which he had received an A+, and it contained numerous spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors, none of which had been corrected. At a parent/teacher conference I was told: ‘We don’t want to stifle a child’s creativity by being over (sic) concerned about technicalities.’ I then gave the analogy of an architect designing a beautiful building that fell down because he hadn’t bothered with technicalities like material strengths—and it fell on deaf ears.”

What is one method for avoiding plagiarism in research assignment? Students construct annotated bibliographies on their topics BEFORE writing the research paper. Classroom Notes Plus (Jan. 04), 16.

Why is standard English important? “Children need to perfect or acquire the prestige dialect—not because standard English is correct or superior in itself but because society exacts severe penalties from those who do not speak [or write] it. Unless they can learn to use standard English, many pupils will be denied access to economic opportunities or entrance to social groups. W Loban. Elementary English (May 68), 693.

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