Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Topic: How to Begin to Write: Brainstorming (2)

Purpose of this blog: Topics related to writing.

10-second review: “There are no rules about what constitutes a proper seed. It can be a character, a name, a situation, structure, overheard dialogue, a setting, a theme, even a vague feeling.” P. 8.

Title: “Where Can You Find the Seeds of A Good Story?” Alexander Steele. The Writer (October 2010), 8.

Comment: All right. You have picked a topic. Now what do you do? You brainstorm. (2)

Instructions for Brainstorming.
I suggest to students that they put the topic at the top of the page. I tell them they will have 15 minutes to drain their minds of all of their ideas on that topic. I urge them to use every minute available to them. If they feel they have written all they can, I ask them to keep trying. “Often when you think you’re finished, some of your best ideas will come.”

.Put your topic at the top of the page.

.Concentrate on the topic. List your ideas as they come into your mind. Do not try to organize. Do not worry about spelling, punctuation or grammar. Just empty your mind of ideas on your topic.

.You will have fifteen minutes.

The preceding is from my book, Teaching English, How To…. By Raymond Stopper. Xlibris. 2004, pp. 126—129.

The next steps are to study your brainstorm and construct a thesis. Next, write a draft, including the thesis, the middle paragraphs, the final paragraph. Construct an interesting introduction. Revise and edit. RayS.

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