Monday, April 28, 2008

"Affect" and "Effect."

Level of Distractibility: Who cares? = *. Some people will be distracted from your meaning = **. Many people will be distracted from your meaning = ***.

Question: What are the differences in meaning between "affect" and "effect"?

Most frequent use. “Affect” as a verb: “How does her singing affect your mood?” [Please do not substitute "impact" for "affect" in a sentence like this one. "Impact" should be reserved for striking with strong force like a bomb on a building.]

"Affect" as a verb: “She affected (pretended) a certain air of sophistication.”

“Affect” (noun): emotion. Labeled by most sources as “psychological jargon” for which you will have almost no need.

“Effect” (Verb) bring about: “He effected (brought about) a change in her mood from contemplative to lighthearted."

Most frequent use. “Effect” (Noun) “What are the effects on people’s moods after three weeks of continuous rain?”

Rating of distractibility: "Affect" / "Impact" ***
"Affect"/ "Effect" ***

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